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Kaarten > Scars of Mirrodin > Ghalma's Warden

Ghalma's Warden kaart uit de Scars of Mirrodin set

Ghalma's Warden, Scars of Mirrodin
Kaartnaam:  Ghalma's Warden
Serie:  Scars of Mirrodin
Serienummer:  8/249
Kleur:  White
Kaarttype:  Creature - Elephant Soldier 2/4
Rarity:  Common
Manacost:  3W
Artist:  Mike Bierek

Serie Prijs Voorraad
Scars of Mirrodin € 0,06 8

Ghalma's Warden (Scars of Mirrodin) is nog 8x op voorrraad.


Kaart + flavor tekst

Metalcraft — Ghalma's Warden gets +2/+2 as long as you control three or more artifacts.

A special unit guards the loxodon artificer known as Ghalma the Shaper. They are armed and armored in her finest works of silver and steel.

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