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Kaarten > Rivals of Ixalan > Canal Monitor

Canal Monitor kaart uit de Rivals of Ixalan set

Canal Monitor, Rivals of Ixalan
Kaartnaam:  Canal Monitor
Serie:  Rivals of Ixalan
Serienummer:  63/211
Kleur:  Black
Kaarttype:  Creature - Lizard 5/3
Rarity:  Common
Manacost:  4B
Artist:  Zezhou Chen

Serie Prijs Voorraad
Rivals of Ixalan € 0,05 5

Canal Monitor (Rivals of Ixalan) is nog 5x op voorrraad.


Kaart + flavor tekst

The first goblin tried to swim the canal. The second built a raft. The last and craftiest goblin launched herself from a firecannon and soared over the canal, trailing smoke. All were eaten, but only one was cooked.

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