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Kaarten > Portal Three Kingdoms > Wu Infantry

Wu Infantry kaart uit de Portal Three Kingdoms set

Wu Infantry, Portal Three Kingdoms
Kaartnaam:  Wu Infantry
Serie:  Portal Three Kingdoms
Serienummer:  59/180
Kleur:  Blue
Kaarttype:  Creature - Human Soldier 2/1
Rarity:  Common
Manacost:  1U
Artist:  Xu Xiaoming

Serie Prijs Voorraad
Portal Three Kingdoms € 0,87 1

Wu Infantry (Portal Three Kingdoms) is nog 1x op voorrraad.


Kaart + flavor tekst

The first battle of Hefei was Sun Quan's last as a field general. From then on he let his generals command in the field while he directed battle from behind the front lines.

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