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Kaarten > Divine vs Demonic > Daggerclaw Imp

Daggerclaw Imp kaart uit de Divine vs Demonic set

Daggerclaw Imp, Divine vs Demonic
Kaartnaam:  Daggerclaw Imp
Serie:  Divine vs Demonic
Serienummer:  33/62
Kleur:  Black
Kaarttype:  Creature - Imp 3/1
Rarity:  Uncommon
Manacost:  2B
Artist:  Pete Venters

Serie Prijs Voorraad
Divine vs Demonic € 0,11 3
Duel Decks Anthology € 0,12 3
Guildpact € 0,11 8

Daggerclaw Imp (Divine vs Demonic) is nog 3x op voorrraad.


Kaart + flavor tekst


Daggerclaw Imp can't block.

The Simic use the claws as scalpels, while the Rakdos use them for tattooing and torture. The Gruul use them to pick their teeth after lunching on the rest of the carcass.

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