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Kaarten > Deckmasters > Storm Shaman

Storm Shaman versie 1 uit de Deckmasters set

Storm Shaman, Deckmasters
Kaartnaam:  Storm Shaman
Serie:  Deckmasters
Serienummer:  21/44
Versie:  1
Kleur:  Red
Kaarttype:  Creature - Human Cleric Shaman 0/4
Rarity:  Common
Manacost:  2R
Artist:  D. J. Cleland-Hura

Serie Prijs Voorraad
7th Edition € 0,17 2
Alliances (1) € 0,12 5
Alliances (2) € 0,13 2
Deckmasters (1) € 0,02 0

Kaart + flavor tekst

{R}: Storm Shaman gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

"Embrace the storm. Its voice shall echo within you, and its fire shall become your touch" —Lovisa Coldeyes, Balduvian Chieftain

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