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Kaarten > 10th Edition > Goblin Piker

Goblin Piker kaart uit de 10th Edition set

Goblin Piker, 10th Edition
Kaartnaam:  Goblin Piker
Serie:  10th Edition
Serienummer:  209/383
Kleur:  Red
Kaarttype:  Creature - Goblin Warrior 2/1
Rarity:  Common
Manacost:  1R
Artist:  DiTerlizzi

Serie Prijs Voorraad
10th Edition € 0,11 0
9th Edition € 0,11 2
Magic 2010 € 0,11 8
Magic 2011 € 0,11 8
Magic 2012 € 0,11 8
Portal Second Age € 0,13 1

Kaart + flavor tekst

Once he'd worked out which end of the thing was sharp, he was promoted to guard duty.

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