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Decks > Rood Zwart Agro Deck

Rood Zwart Agro Deck - Magic the Gathering

Aantal Kaartnaam Serie Kaarttype Manacost Prijs
1x Basilisk Collar Worldwake Artifact 1 € 2,08 0
3x Mountain (4) Zendikar Basic Land € 0,07 0
2x Swamp (1) 8th Edition Basic Land € 0,02 0
3x Ashenmoor Liege Shadowmoor Creature 1{B/R}{B/R}{B/R} € 0,50 0
4x Demigod of Revenge Prerelease Events Creature {B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R} € 0,65 0
4x Gobhobbler Rats Dissension Creature BR € 0,10 11
4x Goblin Deathraiders Shards of Alara Creature BR € 0,11 2
2x Lightning Reaver Alara Reborn Creature 3BR € 0,14 0
4x Murderous Redcap Shadowmoor Creature 2{B/R}{B/R} € 0,16 0
2x Rakdos Augermage Dissension Creature BBR € 0,17 0
4x Terminate Alara Reborn Instant BR € 0,45 0
4x Lightning Bolt Magic 2010 Instant R € 0,85 0
4x Auntie's Hovel Lorwyn Land € 9,00 0
3x Badlands Revised Land € 278,00 0
2x Blood Crypt Dissension Land € 16,69 0
1x Bloodstained Mire Onslaught Land € 37,40 0
4x Graven Cairns Shadowmoor Land € 4,31 0
4x Shadowblood Ridge Odyssey Land € 1,08 0
2x Lyzolda, the Blood Witch Dissension Legendary Creature 1BR € 0,18 0
2x Rakdos, Lord of Riots Return to Ravnica Legendary Creature BBRR € 2,03 0
1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Theros Legendary Land € 28,18 0

60 kaarten in hetdeck. 24 landen in het deck.
27 creatures in het deck. 9 spells in het deck.

Mountain Auntie's Hovel Ashenmoor Liege Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Murderous Redcap Goblin Deathraiders Lightning Reaver

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