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Decks > Jund Modern Deck

Jund Modern Deck - Magic the Gathering

Aantal Kaartnaam Serie Kaarttype Manacost Prijs
1x Forest (1) Garruk vs Liliana Basic Land € 0,06 4
2x Swamp (1) Garruk vs Liliana Basic Land € 0,06 21
4x Dark Confidant Judge Gifts Creature 1B € 140,00 0
4x Tarmogoyf Future Sight Creature 1G € 29,00 0
4x Bloodbraid Elf Friday Night Magic Creature 2RG € 7,00 0
4x Kitchen Finks Friday Night Magic Creature 1G/WG/W € 1,80 0
1x Jund Charm Shards of Alara Instant BRG € 0,14 0
2x Terminate Alara Reborn Instant BR € 0,45 0
4x Blackcleave Cliffs Scars of Mirrodin Land € 18,00 0
2x Blood Crypt Dissension Land € 16,69 0
1x Marsh Flats Zendikar Land € 19,90 0
1x Overgrown Tomb Ravnica Land € 9,01 0
2x Raging Ravine Worldwake Land € 0,84 0
1x Stomping Ground Guildpact Land € 10,71 0
4x Treetop Village Gateway Land 3U € 0,49 0
3x Twilight Mire Eventide Land € 6,00 0
4x Verdant Catacombs Zendikar Land € 17,50 0
4x Liliana of the Veil Innistrad Legendary Planeswalker 1BB € 29,99 0
4x Inquisition of Kozilek Rise of the Eldrazi Sorcery B € 2,30 0
2x Thoughtseize Lorwyn Sorcery B € 16,00 0
2x Maelstrom Pulse Alara Reborn Sorcery 1BG € 1,80 0

56 kaarten in hetdeck. 25 landen in het deck.
16 creatures in het deck. 15 spells in het deck.

Raging Ravine Blackcleave Cliffs Swamp Verdant Catacombs Blackcleave Cliffs Inquisition of Kozilek Inquisition of Kozilek

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