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Decks > Green Agro Deck

Green Agro Deck - Magic the Gathering

Aantal Kaartnaam Serie Kaarttype Manacost Prijs
23x Forest (1) Garruk vs Liliana Basic Land € 0,06 4
4x Birds of Paradise Revised Creature G € 15,39 0
4x Chameleon Colossus Morningtide Creature 2GG € 0,51 0
4x Great Sable Stag Magic 2010 Creature 1GG € 0,63 2
2x Khalni Hydra Rise of the Eldrazi Creature GGGGGGGG € 6,25 0
4x Leatherback Baloth Gateway Creature GGG € 0,20 0
3x Llanowar Elves 10th Edition Creature G € 0,18 0
4x Master of the Wild Hunt Magic 2010 Creature 2GG € 2,90 0
4x Mul Daya Channelers Rise of the Eldrazi Creature 1GG € 0,49 0
4x Noble Hierarch Conflux Creature G € 11,00 0
2x Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers Shadowmoor Creature {G/W}{G/W}{G/W} € 0,09 0
2x Tranquil Thicket Onslaught Land € 0,15 0

60 kaarten in hetdeck. 25 landen in het deck.
35 creatures in het deck. 0 spells in het deck.

Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers

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